Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ignorance, Incompetence, or Invention

The Arizona immigration bill has stirred up all kinds of predictable reactions from the wacky left.  It's also stirred up predictable demagoguery from the president.  Speaking to a hand-picked crowd in Ottumwa, IA the president made this comment about the new law:

"Now, suddenly, if you don't have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you're going to get harassed -- that's something that could potentially happen ... That's not the right way to go."
There are three possible reasons Obama would make that statement that is as factually incorrect as that one is:

  • He doesn't know what's actually in the law and is speaking from ignorance.

  • He's read the law but doesn't understand it, which means he's speaking from incompetence.

  • He knows what's in the law, doesn't like it, and is therefore inventing his own facts.  You can also call that lying.

I'm going with the third option.

In my recent piece "America, Face It, Your President Was Raised to Hate You" I talked about the many corrupting influences in Obama's past.  He was surrounded by people who hated police, and in at least one case (William Ayers) tried to kill cops.  He undoubtedly heard sermons from Jeremiah Wright which claimed police oppression against blacks, and I'm convinced he grew up with a hatred of law enforcement which continues to color his judgment today.  We saw it in the Cambridge incident and we'll probably see it again in the near future.

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